The Pacific Rim National Park Reserve issued a bear warning on Aug. 25. (Westerly file photo)

Bear warning in effect at Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

Bear activity on the rise around Tofino and Ucluelet

A bear warning is in effect in the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve.

Parks Canada issued a statement on Aug. 25 suggesting a “noticeable increase in bear activity” has been reported between Green Point Campground and the Incinerator Parking Lot at Long Beach.

“The bear/s appear to be primarily focused on foraging on berries but often times along the driftwood and bush interface, and trails, which exposes them to visitors,” the notice reads. “The goal of this warning is to minimize the probability of negative human-bear interactions with intent to both protect the bear/s and the visitors.”

All visitors are cautioned to keep their kids close, their dogs leashed at all times and to never leave food or other attractants unsecured or unattended.

“Never approach a bear or other wildlife for photos,” the notice adds. “If a bear cub is encountered or observed always assume the sow to be close by.”

Anyone who encounters a bear is urged not to run away, but to instead give the animal lots of space, do not make eye contact and back away slowly talking in a calm voice.

All encounters should immediately be reported to Parks Canada staff at 250-726-3604.

Four bears have been killed after becoming habituated to unnatural food sources in the Park Reserve’s neighbouring communities of Tofino and Ucluelet since the beginning of July and residents are urged to keep their garbage and all other attractants secured to prevent further conflicts.

andrew.bailey@westerlynews.caLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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READ MORE: Bear killed after frequenting campground in Ucluelet

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Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News