(Trail Times file photo)

(Trail Times file photo)

Bears are out in Trail, secure your garbage

All refuse must be secured to prevent wildlife interactions and for collector safety

Spring is upon us and bears have been emerging from months of hibernation.

Naturally, they are looking for food and have already been helping themselves to improperly stored garbage in and around Trail neighbourhoods.

In addition to creating a big mess and increasing the risk of dangerous human and bear interactions, trash that has been scattered by the bruins can also pose a serious health risk to the community and the contractors responsible for collecting the garbage.

Therefore, the city reminds all residents to store their garbage in a secure place until the morning of their scheduled pick up day. Collection days are noted on the city’s website, trail.ca. Simply type “garbage collection” into the search bar.

Also note that refuse must be securely bagged, including all items in garbage cans. Collectors will not pick up garbage that is not bagged.

This is of particular importance as the city is taking every precaution to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Lastly, the municipality has announced that there will be a delay in bringing out communal bear-proof bins for both the Glenmerry and Sunningdale locales.

These bins, provided by the city and the local non-profit agency Natural Control Alternatives Society, are convenient for residents who prefer to dispose of garbage in advance of their scheduled collection day.

“We understand the delay in providing these bins will cause some inconvenience,” the city states. “But we appreciate your patience as we dedicate city and contractor resources to essential services during this crucial COVID-19 preventative period.”

Direct any garbage collection questions to public works at 250.364.0840 or email publicworks@trail.ca.

Trail Daily Times