Beautification donations in Fernie

Fernie has recently introduced a Beautification Initiative that aims to enhance the parks and green spaces.

  • Oct. 2, 2016 1:00 p.m.

Fernie has recently introduced a Beautification Initiative that aims to enhance the parks and green spaces with a variety of amenities like benches, picnic tables and bike racks. These amenities can pay tribute to individuals, groups or projects.

There are a few guidelines for donors, the City encourages plaque wording that is positive in tone and respectful. Donors cannot embellish amenities with wreathes, personal memorials or other items that can hinder or interfere with the use of the amenity.

Donations that are more than $5,000 are considered legacy amenities, these can include picnic shelters, playgrounds or components of a playground and sport courts. The city is open and will consider other suggestions from donors.

An estimate is provided by the City of Fernie that includes the basic maintenance for 10 years, which is to ensure good, usable condition. The estimate also includes a tribute plaque.

The City has listed approximate costs for five items: a bench with a back can cost $1,200 to $2,500, a bench with out a back can cost $1,000 to $2,000, a picnic table can be $3,000 to $5,000, a tree can cost $1,000 to $5,000 and a flower bed is set at $1,000.

City staff assess each park to determine the most appropriate sites for each type of donated amenity and the maximum number accepted at that location. In cases where a suitable site for the proposed type of amenity is not available, the donation may be declined. The donation is the sole property of the City.

More information on the Beautification Initiative can be found through the City’s website, or by phoning the Fernie Leisure Services Department at 250-423-2245.

The Free Press