Emcon crews work on resurfacing a portion of Beaver Creek Rd near Thompson Rd. ELENA RARDON PHOTO

Emcon crews work on resurfacing a portion of Beaver Creek Rd near Thompson Rd. ELENA RARDON PHOTO

Beaver Creek Road to be completed by end of August

Emcon crews are repaving sections of highway up to Pierce Rd

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure expects resurfacing work on Beaver Creek Road to be completed by the end of August.

A portion of road between Wardrop Rd. and Twisden Rd. was completely resurfaced between June 5 and July 14, but Emcon crews are now repaving other sections of highway up to Pierce Rd.

The decision to mill and repave specific sections of the highway in need of repair was made following an assessment of the road’s overall condition, according to the Ministry.

The work will improve the road for residents, industry and those accessing Stamp River campground.

Alberni Valley News