Leadership students Anya Ralph, Sejal Hagam, Sophie Venables, Michaela Sarvis, and Braeden Pollard welcome students to the last semester of the school year. (RIck Stiebel/News Staff)

Belmont students usher in last semester in style in Langford

Video shares celebrate student accomplishments from unusual year

Leadership students at Belmont Secondary School welcomed their colleagues and classmates to the home stretch on Friday, with all eyes on a smoother sail next year.

The students acknowledged the beginning of the last semester under the octa system – implemented due to the pandemic – by greeting students with smiles, waves and blue-and-white Belmont-coloured balloons, accompanied by rock music as they arrived in the morning and again after lunch. The octa system involves eight semesters with one class for five weeks straight.

For their first-ever virtual celebration, leadership students made videos highlighting what students have accomplished throughout the year, said Grade 9 student Sophie Venables, a member of the leadership class and event co-organizer.

ALSO READ: Langford students banish broom from forest at Belmont Secondary School

The videos featured students in dance, band, theatre and whatever activities students were able to keep going during the pandemic.

“We’re celebrating surviving the COVID-restricted year,” Venables added. “The restrictions made it very different, especially for the Grade 9s in their first year at the school. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to seeing what a normal year at Belmont is like next year.

“It’s been a very different year for leadership students, because so many things were cancelled, but we were still able to make a lot of things happen because we worked very well together. I’m quite surprised at how many students got involved in making the school better. It really sets the stage for next year when we welcome a new group of Grade 9s.”

“A lot of people were involved in the video,” he said. “They were certainly excited with the results, and the opportunity to highlight what we accomplished during the past six to eight months.”



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