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Beloved secret cabin lost to fire

The trappers cabin was shared with locals, but kept mostly secret

  • Jan. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A secret North Island treasure has been lost to fire. A small cabin maintained by a local couple, and staunchly protected by those who know and love it, was found burned to the ground earlier this week.

The small cabin was off Hecht Beach. It used to be a trapper’s cabin, and is on crown land. The local couple took responsibility for it, maintaining a sort of schedule of people who would request to stay overnight. There was a small stove, mugs and basic cooking gear, a bed platform and a small table.

The windows overlooked the Pacific ocean, often crashing violently into black volcanic rocks on the beach.

Images of the burnt cabin have been shared on social media, with loads of people commenting with memories and expressing sadness at the loss.

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North Island Gazette