Below the Belt Group hosts meeting

Support through experience and mentorship offer for men with below-the-belt issues

Folks are invited to a Below the Belt meeting at the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre, #1-486 Birch Ave., in 100 Mile House on May 29, starting at 7 p.m.

The meeting is sponsored by the Below the Belt Group. Members consist of survivors who have personally experienced Below the Belt diseases, such as prostrate cancer, bladder cancer, ostomies, Crohn’s disease, colitis, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other Below the Belt issues.

The mission of Below the Belt is to help assist people in removing the mystique of their problems and aid in the understanding there are many who have the same issue as they and that they are not alone.

Unfortunately, this particular area of disease seems to carry an air of embarrassment with it, and the group’s desire is to help people understand there is nothing to hold them back from having a very normal life.

Talking with others helps inform as well as release the frustration that sometimes they are unable to share with their physicians and spouses.

With just a confidential phone call, the group can provide people with a mentor who will share his own experience of how he managed his problems, as well as help provide supportive tips and suggestions on how to figure out the best way to deal with your problems.

Below the Belt volunteers do not provide medical advice. They share with their personal experiences and offer support on how they deal with your problem.

All calls are treated with confidentiality and respect.

Why not attend this upcoming meeting with, or without, your spouse?

Remember, you are not alone out there, so let’s start dealing with your issues.

Contact numbers are 250-791-9235, 250-791-5540 and 250-791-6616 – call today.

See you at the meeting!

Reg Berrington is a member of the Below the Belt group.

100 Mile House Free Press