Brian Fehr, BID Group CEO, Anthony Everitt, chair of the games host society and Stuart Ballantyne, Canada Winter Games CEO, sign an agreement that will give the Winter Games staff a new home for the next three years thanks to the BID Group.

Brian Fehr, BID Group CEO, Anthony Everitt, chair of the games host society and Stuart Ballantyne, Canada Winter Games CEO, sign an agreement that will give the Winter Games staff a new home for the next three years thanks to the BID Group.

BID Group strikes gold for winter games

The first private sector partner has joined the Canada Winter Games team

DeLynda Pilon

The first private sector partner has joined the Canada Winter Games team, providing it a home in its offices above the Fifth Ave. post office through the duration of the games and beyond, until all the post-game work is done.

“This is our first major partnership and private sector partnership,” Stewart Ballantyne, 2015 Canada Winter Games CEO said. “This will become our home for the next three years.”

He added they intend to upgrade the facade and ensure it it branded so everyone can tell they are headquartered in the building.

“This will be a very comfortable home and it will look amazing,” he said, adding the location is perfect.

Brian Fehr, BID Group CEO  said they were honoured to support the Winter Games and the young athletes who will participate.

The BID Group is located in Vanderhoof and Prince George.


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