Big crowd at LakeTown meeting

It was a packed house at the Youbou Community Hall on Monday September 28 during the public meeting

Above, Greg Adams of Sunfest assures the crowd his proposal to move Sunfest is not moving too fast. Below, residents lined up for a chance to ask questions and offer their opinion on the proposal.

Above, Greg Adams of Sunfest assures the crowd his proposal to move Sunfest is not moving too fast. Below, residents lined up for a chance to ask questions and offer their opinion on the proposal.


It was a packed house at the Youbou Community Hall on Monday September 28 during the public meeting regarding the proposed LakeTown Ranch music concert/ camping/outdoor recreation site.

The owners have submitted an application to amend both the Youbou/Meade Creek Official Community Plan and the Area I – Youbou/Meade Creek Zoning Bylaw. The purpose of the requested bylaw amendments is to permit an outdoor concert and events venue along with a camping facility.

At the meeting Cowichan Valley Regional District staff explained the process related to the application and the applicant along with his consultants made presentations concerning the proposal.

During the question and answer period many residents took to the microphone to ask Sunfest owner Greg Adams about everything from noise issues, security, parking and extra traffic concerns.

While there were people for and against the proposal, the people behind the proposal appeared to outnumber those against. But, even the people behind the proposal had concerns.

Local resident Les Bowd stated while he was a proponent of the proposal,  he recognizes that it would have  a great impact on the area and wants to be certain that all concerns would be properly heard and listened to.

Jack Peake had concerns about noise from the event as well as whether the venue could be leased out to hold other concerts that might bring a different crowd. Greg Adams assured him that would not happen.

Mike Bishop is a Youbou resident who says he is behind the project, but is not naive enough to think it won’t have problems. Getting it started shouldn’t be one of those problems, he says.

Greg Adams said although he has been courted by other communities to bring the event to their area, he thinks it is important to keep the event in the Cowichan Valley.  Many were concerned that the proposal was too big and moving too fast, but Adams noted that the proposal has been a long time in the works and it was moving fast because of the work that had been done prior to the proposal being at this stage.

Many seemed to agree that the benefits outwiegh the problems with the proposal. One Youbou resident who was against the proposal for a number of reasons summed up her feelings as she quoted singer Joni Mitchell, “You don’t know what you’ve got till its gone.”

Many took home the comment sheet to fill out and send to the CVRD.


For anyone wanting information on the proposal it can be found on the CVRD website



Lake Cowichan Gazette