Big-ticket items under review in Enderby

Council presented with preliminary drawings and cost estimates for Vernon Street and Granville Avenue.

Enderby politicians are taking a go-slow approach when it comes to some big-dollar infrastructure projects.

On Monday, council was presented with preliminary drawings and cost estimates for Vernon Street and Granville Avenue.

“It’s very expensive and we need to look at it,” said Mayor Greg McCune.

The estimated cost for storm sewer, sanitary sewer, road and lighting work on  Vernon Street is $1.8 million while a similar project on Granville Avenue is $859,000.

McCune says council has to take a look at the scope of the projects and determine how to finance them, especially given Enderby’s small tax base.

“Staff was likely hoping we would say, ‘Yes, do it,’ but we need to slow down and take a bit of time to figure it out.”

While concerned about the overall price tag, McCune admits that the viability of the community’s infrastructure can’t be ignored.

“We’ve been stalling on Old Vernon Road but it’s important for storm drainage,” he said.

Other financial considerations are also before city council, including a request for a $2,000 grant from the Enderby and District Arts Council.

The funds would go towards the arts council’s 2015 activities, including organizing the annual Enderby Arts Festival in July.

No decision was made Monday and the request will be considered by the city’s finance committee.

“I am 100 per cent sure it will be passed because they (arts council) do just an amazing job for the community,” said McCune.


Vernon Morning Star