Big White Ski Resort is having a banner year with big snow and profits. - Image: Big White Ski Resort

Big White Ski Resort is having a banner year with big snow and profits. - Image: Big White Ski Resort

Big White basking in big snow, big bucks

Resort east of Kelowna says it has been a banner year so far, thanks to heavy snowfall

  • Feb. 10, 2018 12:00 a.m.

When it snows, Big White glows.

Big White Ski Resort says this season’s snowfall season has stimulated the economy at Big White and the surrounding area as heavy snow creates more interest.

Big White brought in $2.5 million in revenue in the month of January, as snow accumulated and conditions were excellent.

“While most people hate driving in it, shoveling it and its temperature, we love the business of snow. We are truly blessed to live where we do as we get the driest, deepest powder in the world,” said Michael Ballingall, senior vice president at Big White Ski Resort. “Truly, British Columbia is the world’s greatest ski destination and people will pay us to play in it.”

Related: Big White against Family Day change

Big White saw almost two full metres of snow fall in January (194cm) bringing the alpine snow base at the resort up to 232cm by the end of the month. With the base increasing to 260cm so far in February, the resort is on pace to surpass the 300 cm mark.


What’s more, according to the resort, interest and tourism travel to Kelowna increases with each massive dump of snow, which residents have dealt with throughout this winter.

In December, its web site received an average of 15,157 visits per day. But following days of consecutive snowfall, the website hits increased to 25,734 (Dec. 28). The trend continued in January with an average of 17,655 visits per day, but over 20,000 on January 12 and 25 following big overnight snowfalls.

The heavy snow this year has translated into a banner year for the resort.

In January, Big White Central Reservations received 1,480 bookings amounting to 3,673 nights with a total revenue of nearly $2.5 million. Big White’s annual one day sale took place on Jan. 30 breaking previous records with 144 bookings, 438 nights and over $150,000 in revenue.

With the snowfall comes snow removal and Big White says it spent $100,000 on snow removal from mid December to mid-January.

“The highway is cleared at all hours of the day and night, walkways are shoveled and community roads and driveways are cleared on a daily basis,” stated a press release.

With the Family Day long weekend here, Big White is offering 50 per cent off lift tickets for B.C. residents on Monday, with government issued identification.

Kelowna Capital News