Eagle Ridge employee Amber Baker on a free Langford bike.

Eagle Ridge employee Amber Baker on a free Langford bike.

Bike rentals free at Eagle Ridge

Langford residents can check out one of 10 cruising or mountain bikes for free up to three hours.

Langford residents can now cycle city bike lanes and trails for free, thanks to a bike borrowing program run out of City Centre Park.

Residents can check out one of 10 cruising or mountain bikes for free up to three hours, and then pay $3 per hour after that. Non residents will pay $3 per hour.

“This is to encourage cycling and use of city parks and bike lanes,” said Mike Leskiw, manager of Langford parks. “People can bike from here to downtown or Goldstream park. It gets people out in the neighbourhoods.”

The free bike program ties into Langford’s multi-year project to build more bike lanes and separated bike paths to connect the city core with outlying neighourhoods.

The free bike program is run out of Eagle Ridge arena and started recently, coinciding with the official opening of the Sportsplex and the completion of City Centre Park.

Langford residents will need to show proof of residence in Langford, such as a driver’s licence or a utility bill. Anyone borrowing a bike will also need to leave a credit card to ensure the bike returns.

The city has installed a number of digital signboards which highlight bike lanes and paths around the city.

“I think it will be used quite a lot as the word gets out there,” said Gerry St. Cyr, manager of City Centre Park. “Anyone can try it out. A parent can bring their child and hop on a bike, pick a route and go.”


Goldstream News Gazette