Chris Walsh, Vernon Seed Orchard manager, lays down a sprinkler above a caretaker’s home to help prevent a grass fire off Bailey Road from spreading Monday afternoon.

Chris Walsh, Vernon Seed Orchard manager, lays down a sprinkler above a caretaker’s home to help prevent a grass fire off Bailey Road from spreading Monday afternoon.

Bird collision sparks Bailey Road blaze

Firefighters managed to douse a grass fire off Bailey Road and keep it from spreading to a nearby home.

Firefighters managed to douse a grass fire off Bailey Road and keep it from spreading to a nearby home.

The approximately two-and-a-half hectare blaze, which broke out just before 1 p.m. Monday, was started from a bird hitting a hydro line.

“We have confirmed that it was a bird that started the fire,” said Steve Olson, forest protection assistant.

A bird striking a power line was also linked to a fire near the landfill in August.

Forest Service crews, in their office just down the road, were on scene within record time Monday, followed by Vernon Fire Service crews.

The fire broke out on the hillside just above a caretaker’s home in the seed orchard above Highway 97.

Seed orchard manager Chris Walsh also rushed onto the scene to help hose down the caretaker’s property.

Flames spread just inches onto the caretaker’s property, but the majority of damage was done up the grassy hill away from the home.

“I thought it was a lot worse,” said Walsh, “but it looks like they have it under control.”

Vernon Morning Star