The Bald Eagles were spotted on China Creek Road in Princeton, Tuesday March 2. (Photo: John Moody)

Birds of prey

Princeton photographer captures compelling photos of a Bald Eagle breakfast

Bald eagles in the Princeton area rely on deer, and will also snack on gulls, ducks, rabbits, crabs, amphibians, and more. They’ll scavenge in dumpsters, feed on and even gorge on carrion.

Similkameen Spotlight


There was an apparent disagreement about which Eagle should have first dibs on a deer. It appeared to have been killed the previous night, likely by a cougar or coyote. (Photo: John Moody)

To the victor went the spoils. (Photo: John Moody)

When the grown ups were done, the kids got to pick over the leftovers. (Photo: John Moody)