Blaney introduces right to housing bill

NDP MP Rachel Blaney tabled a bill that would enshrine the right to Housing in the Canadian Bill of Rights.

  • Dec. 8, 2016 5:00 a.m.
Rachel Blaney, MP for North Island/Powell River, introduced a bill that would add the right to housing to the Bill of Rights.

Rachel Blaney, MP for North Island/Powell River, introduced a bill that would add the right to housing to the Bill of Rights.

NDP MP Rachel Blaney tabled a bill that would enshrine the right to Housing in the Canadian Bill of Rights, in the House of Commons on Monday .

This bill will bring federal law in line with Canada’s international treaties and put more pressure on governments to invest in affordable housing and give Canadians more housing options.

“For too long, successive governments have failed to ensure every Canadian has a roof over their head” Blaney said. “Across the country, people are struggling to find proper housing for a reasonable cost. The impacts of this are often downloaded onto municipalities who face the challenges with their community members daily. The federal government must do its fair share.”

While rights to housing have been supported by Canada in International Covenants since 1976, Parliament has never passed legislation affirming those rights.

Blaney’s bill would help claimants identify how housing rights apply to them, open up avenues to access justice and increase accountability of landlords and governments.

“It is now time for the Liberal government to listen to housing advocates as well as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing and adopt my bill, ” Blaney said. “Proper housing is a human right and when housing needs are met, our communities grow stronger and more prosperous.”

Campbell River Mirror