Blooming committee has more in store for 2012

Trail intends to hold onto its five-bloom status in this year’s Communities in Bloom challenge.

  • Feb. 3, 2012 8:00 a.m.

Trail intends to hold onto its five-bloom status and go up against international competition again in this year’s Communities in Bloom challenge.

The blooming committee has already set some plans for this year, requesting $149,000 toward their vision. But this amount, up from last year’s requested $125,000, still has to be considered by council during upcoming budget deliberations.

“Despite the amount of work, and the consistent shortage of volunteers (we could use about 100 more people), it is a pleasure to see our city streets brushed up and clean, to see our flower beds in the summer and hear people chant about how nice the town looks,” said Trail Community in Bloom (CiB) chair Dan Rodlie.

The city dropped marks – down to 82.75 per cent – in last year’s international challenge from it’s national competition in 2010 but Rodlie said those figures are still debatable and awaits communication after submitting concerns over scores that didn’t reflect overall comments made by visiting judges.

“We did have some issues with our scores and we have notified the board with our concerns on how it was judged and we hope to have some good news on that front,” he told Trail council at a recent meeting.

However, Rodlie admits being up against high-calibre international players in the competition that fosters civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement is not getting any easier.

“It’s tough, those European towns have 400 years on us at least,” he said.

But the team of dedicated volunteers is rising to the occasion with much in store for 2012.

Plans for this year include a continued focus on education with eight courses – including building better baskets, xeriscaping, pruning and winemaking for beginners – set, more work to the city’s white garden (a re-creation of the beautiful Sissinghurst Castle Garden in England) and a potential flora festival in the spring.

This year marks the 10th anniversary the city has participated in the program, holding a max record of five blooms for eight of those years.

Trail councillor Eleanor Gattafoni Robinson congratulated Rodlie who was accompanied by volunteers in council chambers last month, noting their labour of love does not go unnoticed.

“There’s a lot of people who do their share – many hands makes light work – and without them, our city wouldn’t be looking the way it is,” she said.


Trail Daily Times