Blue bags are being phased out of the waste stream in Chilliwack in 2018. (Progress photo)

Blue bags are being phased out of the waste stream in Chilliwack in 2018. (Progress photo)

Blue bags being phased out in Chilliwack

Reusable containers are considered more environmentally friendly than plastic bags

Blue bags are being phased out in Chilliwack.

City of Chilliwack started an information campaign this week to explain what the changes from Recycle BC will mean for curbside customers.

Some will ask why the use of single-use clear/blue bags are being phased out in 2018, in favour of recycling containers. The answer is that reusable containers are more environmentally friendly, and the clear/blue bags were constantly getting stuck in the sorting equipment and having a negative impact on the process.

So the phase-out is definitely happening in 2018, but the exact timeline is not clear yet. It will be in effect across the city some time after residents have received their new containers.

A survey is now online until Feb. 23 for residents of Chilliwack who are customers of the Curbside Collection program, to indicate which size and style of recycling containers they would prefer.

Some are using their own containers and they will be able to continue to do so. And yes, people can still line their garbage cans with shopping/grocery bags, which are not part of this discussion.

See the FAQs at for more details or email or call 604-793-2787.

“Although the city will only be providing one type of container, residents will be able to use a different container if there is another style or size that they prefer,” according to the city website. “All containers must have a tight-fitting lid and two handles for lifting, with a maximum volume of 120 litres (32 gallons).”

The lid cannot be hinged or permanently attached to the container since the container will be emptied manually by collection crews.

READ MORE: Glass out of waste stream

Residents are asked to bring any extra grocery bags that are not of use to one of the four depots for recycling; many grocery stores also accept grocery bags for recycling. In addition to grocery bags, the depots accept items like bread bags and overwrap from furniture, outer bags and wrap for diapers, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, tissues and soft drink can flats for recycling.


Chilliwack Progress