Dana Moraes has been acclaimed as School District 50 Board of Education chairperson on Dec. 15. (Photo: supplied)

Board of Education election results

First-time chair and co-chair acclaimed into positions in SD 50

  • Dec. 22, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A new School Board Chair has been announced at the School District 50 meeting on Dec. 15. Dana Moraes has become the first chair by acclamation, with Adeana Young also acclaimed as vice-chair.

“This has been a year filled with unique challenges and unforeseen circumstances. But throughout the year our school communities have shown resiliency and I want to thank them for the work they do each and every day for our

students,” Moraes who has been a trustee on the board since 2018 months, said.

Young was elected for a first-time as vice-chair by acclamation and has been a trustee in Haida Gwaii since 2018.

She said she is very much looking forward to working with the board as the district continues to navigate the unparalleled challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the focus is paramount to being on student success for 2021.

Positions for a variety of 2021 committees were announced to be:

Finance and Audit: R. Denooij/Alternate: A. Young

Labour Management: A. Young/Alternate: J. Breese

Cultural, District Sports: W. Brown/Alternate: D. Moraes

Professional Development: J. Breese/Alternate: D. Moraes

Haida Education Council, Local Education Agreement: W. Brown/Alternate: A. Young

BC School Trustees Association: A. Young/Alternate: R. Denooij

District Parent Advisory Council: J. Breese/Alternate: D. Moraes

Community Relations, Wellness: R. Denooij/Alternate: J. Breese

SOGI: J. Breese/Alternate: A. Young


K-J Millar | Journalist 

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