Conservation officers pulled a boat off Wood Lake and an individual was arrested and charged for operating a vessel with undue care and attention. (BC Conservation Service photo)

Conservation officers pulled a boat off Wood Lake and an individual was arrested and charged for operating a vessel with undue care and attention. (BC Conservation Service photo)

Boat taken off Wood Lake, alcohol found on board

Conservation Officer encountered vessel operator they believed was impaired

  • Aug. 24, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A boater was taken off of Wood Lake over the weekend after alcohol was found on board.

The B.C. Conservation Officer Service depicts a Zodiak-type boat with a large bottle of vodka, nearly empty, and several empty beer cans.

“On a weekend patrol of Wood Lake, Vernon CO’s encountered a vessel operator who they believed was impaired,” the BC Conservation Office said. “After further investigation, the individual was arrested and charged for operating a vessel in a careless manner without due care and attention.”

Like a motor vehicle, it is an offence to operate a vessel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

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Kelowna Capital News