Boo is still missing in action

Boo the bear has yet to return home

Boo the bear, a grizzly that was adopted at two weeks old, escaped his enclosure at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. KHMR and its counterparts are working hard to ensure a safe recovery.  Photo by Adam Sherriff

Boo the bear, a grizzly that was adopted at two weeks old, escaped his enclosure at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. KHMR and its counterparts are working hard to ensure a safe recovery. Photo by Adam Sherriff

Boo the Grizzly Bear has done it again.

On Monday, June 13, Golden’s famous grizzly bear dug out of his home for the second time.

Boo had already escaped once, but had been returned to his refuge at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort.

“Search teams have been re-engaged in the same recovery plan. Public safety and communication continue to be a top priority. Further messages will be provided as information regarding the location aspect of the plan is undertaken,” says Steve Paccagnan, President and CEO of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort.

After escaping June 7, KHMR worked closely with the Golden RCMP, B.C. Conservation Officers and the Ministry of Environment to ensure the safe return of Boo while still keeping public safety in mind. Search teams were successful in locating the grizzly and returning him during the resort’s opening weekend.

But Boo didn’t stay long.

After being seen outside of his refuge on Monday morning, KHMR once again began working tirelessly along with its counterparts to ensure another safe return.

As of press time, KHMR is still searching for the bear.

Boo the bear was adopted by KHMR at the age of two weeks after his mother was illegally shot and killed.In 2006, Boo escaped for 33 days. He returned once food became a bigger priority than female company. If search attempts are unsuccessful, it is expected he will return again to find food. It is also important to note that in 2006 Boo avoided human activity areas and habitat.

Golden Star