Boonstock security caught with light fingers

Yet more fuel has been added to the controversy surrounding the Boonstock Music and Arts Festival.

Two men, wearing the uniforms of Boonstock's security company, were caught on camera attempting a five-finger discount Saturday night

Two men, wearing the uniforms of Boonstock's security company, were caught on camera attempting a five-finger discount Saturday night

Yet more fuel has been added to the controversy surrounding the Boonstock Music and Arts Festival, this time involving their security company.

The owners of Last Call Liquor Mart in Penticton posted a video Saturday night showing two men wearing 24/7 Security uniforms attempting to steal a bottle of liquor.

24/7 Security is the company contracted by Boonstock organizers after International Crowd Management, their original security company, terminated their agreement at the beginning of July.

The video, taken from Last Call’s security cameras, shows the two men in a liquor aisle, when one takes a bottle from the shelves and puts it down his pants. A store employee enters the scene, and one of the men heads to the checkout with another bottle, while the first returns, shakes the bottle out of his pant leg and returns it to a shelf.

Among the comments on the video are three by Navneet Dhaliwal, who appears to be a manager at 24/7 Security, which is owned by a Lucky Dhaliwal.

“Thanks for the video and let us know now We can fire them right away,” writes Dhaliwal.

In a second comment, Dhaliwal asks people to not say 24/7 is stealing, that these were just employees of the company. The company hired people, she writes, that seemed to be good workers, but nobody can read another’s mind.

Penticton Western News