Borrowing will pay back Central Saanich coffers: council

District will borrow to replenish its books of the $2 million used so far for new fire hall

Central Saanich approved borrowing to repay the money used in stages up to now for the new fire hall proposed for the district.

When presented with funding options at the outset of the project council of the day opted to use a borrowing method when the process started in 2009. Now that early processes including purchase of the property and remediation of that land have added up to more than $2 million, it’s time to authorize some borrowing to pay back the municipal coffers.

Council gave the temporary borrowing bylaw first three readings on Monday night.

The building is slated to include four apparatus bays; two storeys for offices, a training centre, gear storage and lockers; and a 13.4 metre training tower. It would be built to withstand 1.5 times the seismic force of a regular building and would serve as the Emergency Operations Centre for the district.

Construction won’t start for a while on the property, at 1512 Keating X Road, as it’s still in a rezoning process from rural estate to a specific fire hall institutional zone.

Peninsula News Review