Judges circulate around the Boundary Central Secondary School gym on March 11 to evaluate students’ execution of the scientific method, their data collection and their presentation.

Judges circulate around the Boundary Central Secondary School gym on March 11 to evaluate students’ execution of the scientific method, their data collection and their presentation.

Boundary students showcase science skills

The SD 51 science fair saw motors spin, planes fly and baking soda volcanoes erupt

  • Mar. 19, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Magnets, potato batteries, crystals, baking soda volcanos and paper airplanes, the 2020 SD 51 Science Fair boasted an array of thoughtful queries and compelling discoveries, all presented by inquisitive minds from Grade 2 to 10.

Each grade level reprensented saw one or two groups earn the keen eyes of the judges (principals, teachers, parents and school district staff) and ultimately discover that they would be representing the Boundary at the regional science fair, meant to take place in Nelson this spring.

SD 51 Science Fair winners:

Grade 10

Skyra Elliot and Savanna Elliot – “Fruit Juice” – A project examining the energy potential of a potato–fueled circuit.

Layla Bruce and Elijah Steele – Fertilizers – A project comparing a variety of decades–old fertilizers to plain water in aiding the growth of corn.

Grade 7

Lilli Ford and Tara Faminoff – Heat Spinner – A project examining how heat produced from tea candles can propel a spinner suspended above.

Grade 6

Miles Megil – Springs – A project aimed at understanding the stored energy in springs.

Grade 5

Lincoln Simmonds – Wood hardness – An experimentation–based project analyzing the hardness of varieties of wood.

Grade 4

Neo Stacey and Dylan Wall–Fromme and Blaze Jenkins–Patterson – “The Egg–speriment” – A project analyzing the effects of various liquids on a raw egg.

Grade 3

Arizona Boyo and Nolan Collum – “Does multi-tasking work” – An experiment that put their classmates to the test

Grade 2

Hudson Nordstorm – Clouds – A project, complete with an evaporation demonstration, on the formation of various cloud types.

Grade 2

Melia Eek – Paper Airplanes – A definitive ranking of the most effective paper airplane folding techniques.

Boundary Creek Times