Boxing Day exercise

Horse Lake residents Jim and Judy Peterson took their grandsons Leif and Jesse Richter to the 99 Mile Ski Trails for a bit of fun.

  • Dec. 28, 2011 4:00 p.m.
Five-year-old Leif Richter, left front, and Jesse Richter, 3 1/2, from Vernon visited grandpa Jim Peterson and grandma Judy Peterson during the Christmas holidays. The Petersons live at Horse Lake, so their grandsons got to do some tobogganing and skating on the lake. Boxing Day was spent skiing on the 99 Mile Ski Trails and warming up in the Nordics Day Lodge.

Five-year-old Leif Richter, left front, and Jesse Richter, 3 1/2, from Vernon visited grandpa Jim Peterson and grandma Judy Peterson during the Christmas holidays. The Petersons live at Horse Lake, so their grandsons got to do some tobogganing and skating on the lake. Boxing Day was spent skiing on the 99 Mile Ski Trails and warming up in the Nordics Day Lodge.

100 Mile House Free Press