The wildfire danger rating is currently high in the District of Kent. (Contributed Photo/Agassiz Fire Department)

The wildfire danger rating is currently high in the District of Kent. (Contributed Photo/Agassiz Fire Department)

BREAKING: Wildfire danger rating is high in Agassiz, fire department warns

Only small campfires allowed with burn permit

  • Jul. 31, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Be careful with fires during the long weekend.

The Agassiz Fire Department announced on Friday (July 31) that the current wildfire rating in the District of Kent is high, the second highest level next to extreme.

The AFD advises only campfires with a maximum half-metre in any direction fully enclosed in fire pits are allowed so long as those setting the fire have appropriate burn permits. All Category 2 and 3 fires are prohibited.

The AFD recommends readers who see fires to report it to 911 immediately.

“Please don’t assume it has already been reported,” the AFD advised.

More to come.

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Agassiz-Harrison Observer