Williams Lake RCMP are assisting the BC Coroners Service with an investigation at a property in the Dog Creek Road area. Photo submitted

Williams Lake RCMP are assisting the BC Coroners Service with an investigation at a property in the Dog Creek Road area. Photo submitted

BREAKING: Williams Lake RCMP on scene of residence in Dog Creek Road area

Police assisting the BC Coroners Service

  • Apr. 9, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Williams Lake RCMP continue to have a presence at a residence in the Dog Creek Road area Tuesday morning.

According to witnesses police have been on scene in the residential area since about 9:30 p.m. Monday.

Staff Sgt. Del Byron told the Tribune RCMP are assisting with a coroners investigation, noting the matter remains under investigation.

The driveway to the home remains blocked off with police tape and there is a police tent set up on the property.

Due to the highly visible location of the home on Dog Creek Road and traffic to and from the nearby school, the Tribune has been fielding a number of inquires as to the nature of the situation.

More to come.

Editor’s note: The Tribune has removed the photo that originally ran with this story out of respect for the family at this time.

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