Trading Post Brewing Company hopes to open up an eatery in a new building on Gladwin Road. It also hopes to brew out of the site. City of Abbotsford image

Trading Post Brewing Company hopes to open up an eatery in a new building on Gladwin Road. It also hopes to brew out of the site. City of Abbotsford image

Brew pub won’t be a noise problem, council says

Some Gladwin residents worried new Trading Post restaurant would keep people up at night

Council gave the go-ahead Monday to a proposal for a new brew pub in central Abbotsford, despite some concerns from local residents about noise.

Langley-based Trading Post Brewing Company had applied for a licence permitting it to serve liquor, and brew some of its own beer, out of a new building at the Central Park Village development on Gladwin Road.

The plan is for a 200-seat restaurant, including a 65-seat patio, that would be open from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m.

Council had approved the application request in principal earlier this month, but also forwaded the issue to allow for public comment.

On Monday, council heard from several residents concerned about parking and particularly noise and music emanating from the site.

“This is not the best place for a pub of this size,” Marlyn Clark told council. “Many of the buildings around that area house seniors, and that means by 10 o’clock most lights are out and if they’re partying til 1 o’clock it’s going to be quite disturbing.”

Council, though, expressed confidence that noise won’t be a significant problem, and several said it was a positive that the site was within walking distance for many people. Staff noted that the city has a noise bylaw that can deal with issues, and the site will also have shades for the patio.

Coun. Ross Siemens saying he is confident that Trading Post will be a “very good operator,” and Coun. Brenda Falk adding she had been to Trading Post’s Langley location and that any music that was being played was not noticeable.

“I don’t think this business is going to be a problem with the noise,” she said.

Abbotsford News