Brief: City of Revelstoke gets gas tax money for asset management plan

The City of Revelstoke received $32,500 from the gas tax fun to go towards its asset management planning.

The City of Revelstoke will receive $32,500 in gas tax funds to support its asset management plan.

The City of Revelstoke will receive $32,500 in gas tax funds to support its asset management plan.

The City of Revelstoke received $32,500 from the gas tax fun to go towards its asset management planning.

The city will be using the money, which comes from the Gas Tax Strategic Priorities Fund, to take party in a cross-Canada Leadership in Asset Management Program coordinated by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

“This funding will assist the City of Revelstoke in continuing the development of a sustainable asset management program,” stated Mike Thomas, the city’s director of engineering & development. “Building staff, council and community capacity in understanding the importance of strong infrastructure planning will improve Revelstoke’s ability to plan, fund and manage infrastructure decisions.”

Revelstoke is one of 11 municipalities selected to participate in the program.

The city has been working on an asset management plan for several years, and expects to complete it in 2017.


Revelstoke Times Review