Briefs: City seeking CBT grant for new skateboard park

City of Revelstoke applies for $500,000 grant from Columbia Basin Trust to construct new skateboard park.

People admire the design for a new skateboard park slated for Kovach Park at an open house lats April.

People admire the design for a new skateboard park slated for Kovach Park at an open house lats April.

The City of Revelstoke is going after a $500,000 grant from the Columbia Basin Trust in order to build a new skateboard park.

Council voted to apply for a share of the CBT’s new Recreation Infrastructure Grant program for the proposed new skateboard park in Kovach Park.

Under the program, the CBT is giving $9 million over the next three years to communities throughout the basin for sports facilities, parks, fields, trails, bike lanes, and infrastructure that improves access to facilities.

The Columbia Valley Skateboard Association has been working for years to build a new skateboard park in Revelstoke. They were granted permission to replace the existing facility in Kovach Park in 2013 and hired New Line Skateparks to design and build the new park. The proposed design was well received at an open house last April.

Last summer, the CVSA were denied a federal grant. This new application will be the latest attempt to secure funding for the $750,000 facility.


Revelstoke Times Review