Nagy Rizk and Tim McGonigle show off one of the new banners. (Lexi Bainas/Gazette)

Nagy Rizk and Tim McGonigle show off one of the new banners. (Lexi Bainas/Gazette)

Briefs: Lake Cowichan’s 75th and more on council agenda

To get the conversation started: what kind of celebration do we want?

Lake Cowichan town council is asking for volunteers to come forward and help organize Lake Cowichan’s 75th birthday party in August 2019.

“We’re going to need a small budget,” suggested Coun. Bob Day. “And to get the conversation started: what kind of celebration do we want? Do we want a Heritage Days style where we have hot dog sales and some cake or do we want to have some musical entertainment? Or logger sports? Do we know what we want? Or do we want something like the 50th where there was a steak and lobster dinner inside the arena, where tables were set up and tickets were sold? I’ll just put that on the table.”

Coun. Lorna Vomacka asked if the date has been confirmed yet and council decided that Saturday, Aug. 17, 2019 might be the best date, being close to the actual anniversary date of Aug. 19.

Coun. Carolyne Austin said that the 50-year celebration could have been “more driven by the town”, partly because Pat Foster of the Kaatza Historical Society was on council at the time and CAO Joe Fernandez agreed the town was a major push behind that event.

Heritage Wall event June 16

This year’s Heritage Wall celebration at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena will be on Saturday, June 16, Mayor Ross Forrest announced at last week’s council meeting.

“This could be the last [plaque added] for a while,” he said. “I’m not sure of that but that could possibly be the case.”

New banners delight councillors

Lake Cowichan works superintendent Nagi Rizk showed councillors two sets of banners he has been able to get made up for the east and west entrances to Lake Cowichan.

They include welcoming and thank you messages to visitors and also show two great views of the scenery of Lake Cowichan. Councillors were delighted with the idea.

They will be put up soon, along with banners made by students from Lake Cowichan School and the town’s regular-style of banners, making the centre of the main street very colourful.

Lake Cowichan Gazette