The sun sets over Harling Point Saturday night. Victoria’s weekly weather forecast includes sun with a chance of showers. (Nina Grossman/News Staff)

The sun sets over Harling Point Saturday night. Victoria’s weekly weather forecast includes sun with a chance of showers. (Nina Grossman/News Staff)

Bring layers: Sun and rain predictions make for confusing weather week in Victoria

A look ahead at Victoria weather this week

  • Sep. 8, 2019 12:00 a.m.

As summer transitions to fall, Victoria weather can become unpredictable, with warm days quickly turning windy or rainy. From the look of Environment Canada’s weather predictions, Victorians might want to pack their rain coat for the better part of the upcoming week.

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Sunday evening includes a 30 per cent chance of rain and a high of 13 degrees, and that chance of showers continues into Monday, with a high of 19 degrees.

Tuesday will see a high of 19 degrees and a 40 per cent chance of rain.

You can expect sun on Wednesday and Thursday, with highs of 18 and 19 degrees respectively.

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But the threat of rain returns Friday with a high of 20 degrees and a 30 percent chance of showers. Next Saturday is equally uncertain – with a 19 degree-high and 30 per cent chance of rain predicted.

Stay tuned for daily weather updates from Victoria News.

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