Bringing the darkness into the light: Mental health meeting happening Sept. 20

Bringing the darkness into the light: Mental health meeting happening Sept. 20

Mental health meeting aims to honour, expose the issue in the Hope community

  • Sep. 17, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A mental health initiative spanning the province is also making landfall in Hope Thursday, Sept. 20.

The We Have Names 2 group will be gathering people from all walks of life and experiences at the Hope Legion to be a part of the mental health event, including first responders and First Nations and spiritual leaders. Mental health music, comedy and ‘recovery stories’ are also promised as part of the evening.

A special invitation is extended to first responders to attend the event in uniform and be honoured.

“We want to respect and thank you for the service you do in our community,” a news release by the group stated.

We Have Names 2 is organizing the meetings as a form of ‘community debrief’ about mental health. Apparent in the name of the organization, the meetings are also meant to humanize mental health challenges and bring more transparency locally to the issue.

“Please be brave and bring your experience to help the cause of building We Have Names 2 in our communities,” We Have Names 2 stated. “We need people to share from the heart and mind. It is time to grow more hope and transparency on the subject of mental health. Together we can build healthier communities”

The meeting will take place at the Hope Legion Thursday, Sept. 20 at 7 p.m. with entrance by donation.

Organizer Arlen Rundvall is asking service providers who want to set up a table at the event and people who have created art or other works revolving around mental health which they want to show or sell to contact him.

Rundvall is also looking for volunteers. He can be reached at 604-798-8328 or

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