Old British Car Club presents cheque to LRCAFrom left to right: Al Ramsay, Diane Stokes, Ray Stokes, Jim Stewart (Cole Schisler photo)

Old British Car Club presents cheque to LRCAFrom left to right: Al Ramsay, Diane Stokes, Ray Stokes, Jim Stewart (Cole Schisler photo)

Brits on the Beach raises $2,251 for LRCA food bank

Brits on the Beach also brought in 75 pounds of non-perishable food items

  • Jul. 20, 2019 12:00 a.m.

This year’s Brits on the Beach raised $2,251.51 for the Ladysmith Resource Centre Association (LRCA), food bank.

Old British Car Club’s Central Island Branch chairman Al Ramsay and vice chairman Jim Stewart came to the LRCA to hand deliver the cheque to the food bank. Brits on the Beach also brought in 75 pounds of non-perishable food items.

RELATED: Brits on the Beach back for 19th year

“75 pounds of food in that short time is wonderful,” LRCA food bank manager Diane Stokes said. “Quite often we will get outdated food, not one of them was outdated.”

The food was made up of various soups, sauces, and other canned goods. One person even donated home made sweet bread and butter pickles that the LRCA gave away as a prize.

Last year, Brits on the Beach raised $1,400 for the LRCA, almost $1,000 less than this year’s total. With that money, LRCA can feed a lot of people in the community.

“We can feed a lot. That money triples when we get cash or gift cards, we can buy three times the amount,” Stokes said.

Brits on the Beach will return to Transfer Beach next year to celebrate 20 years of the event. Organizers are hoping next year will raise even more money, and collect even more food for the LRCA than ever before.

Ladysmith Chronicle