Brown bag lunch at Kimberley City Hall

Pack a sandwich, chat with Mayor Don McCormick in informal setting

Kimberley Mayor DonMcCormick

Kimberley Mayor DonMcCormick

Don McCormick promised open communication at City Hall and he is willing to try anything to keep citizens informed on what’s going on.

In addition to weekly newsletters in the Daily Bulletin, McCormick is instituting monthly brown bag lunches.

The concept is simple. Pack a lunch and sit down with the Mayor for an hour or so of open conversation about what is happening in Kimberley.

The first brown bag lunch is set for Wednesday, January 14 at noon at City Hall.

“The idea is to be available for people that have any questions about what the City is doing,” McCormick said. “We get a lot of Freedom of Information requests from people looking for information, usually financial. Freedom of information is an arduous process, it takes up staff time and it can take up to 30 days. The information doesn’t necessarily have a context, it’s more of a sound byte. I am hoping these conversations will eliminate the need for some of the Freedom of Information requests.

“It’s an experiment and it will be interesting.”

McCormick says that there has been some interest in attending the lunch indicated and he is looking forward to see how many people come out on Wednesday.


Kimberley Daily Bulletin