It's frigid cold today.

Brrrrr: It is -15 degrees outside in Penticton

Concern for those experiencing homelessness with wind chill of -22 degrees

  • Feb. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

If there was ever a day to stay inside, today is the day. Today is the coldest day of the year, currently sitting at a frigid -15 degrees Celsius at 8 a.m.

According to Environment Canada, the wind chill makes the temperatures -22 C this morning and -17 C this afternoon. Wind chill is near -23 for tonight.

This frigid temperatures is a concern for those experiencing homelessness in Penticton. There are no warming centres in Penticton and we are hearing the extreme weather shelter at Church of Nazarene is full each night.

More to come.

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