A concept image shows the replacement RW Bruhn Bridge towering over the nearby railway bridge across the Sicamous Narrows. (Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Image)

Bruhn bridge replacement project expected to be tendered this year

Construction of the highway bridge over the Sicamous Narrows is expected to take three years

A detailed design for the replacement RW Bruhn Bridge is being worked out and the project is expected to go to tender late this year.

The project will create a new four-lane bridge for the Trans-Canada Highway’s crossing point over the Sicamous Narrows, expand 1.9 kilometres of highway to four lanes and improve intersections in the area.

According to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, the project is expected to cost $ 224.5 million. The federal government will cover $91.08 million of the project cost.

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Concept images show a four-lane span towering above the nearby railway bridge with a wide pedestrian walkway on one side. Old Sicamous Road will be accessible using an underpass rather than its current intersection.

Funding for the project was announced in late 2018. Around the same time, the decision was made to focus on a single bridge rather than construct a second span to connect Sicamous’ Main Street to the opposite side of the narrows. Since then preparation work including environmental and archaeological assessments have been completed.

According to the ministry, the project is expected to take three years to complete.

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