Budget input from Comox Valley to be collected Oct. 3 via video conference

A group soliciting opinions about the 2014 provincial budget will collect Comox Valley feedback electronically on Oct. 3.

A group soliciting opinions about the 2014 provincial budget will collect Comox Valley feedback electronically on Oct. 3.

The all-party Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services has announced plans for conducting provincewide consultations on Budget 2014.

The consultations will include public hearings in communities throughout the province, along with a call for written submissions and an online survey.

This year’s consultations will include public hearings in 17 B.C. communities, and video-conference sessions covering an additional four locations.

Comox Valley input will be collected Oct. 3 via a video conference.

The consultation period opened with the release of the Budget 2014 Consultation Paper by the Ministry of Finance on Sept. 10.

“The committee would like to hear British Columbians’ priorities and financial concerns for next year’s provincial budget,” said committee chair Dan Ashton.

“We encourage any interested individuals and organizations to attend a public hearing or to make a submission,” added deputy chair Mike Farnworth.

To register for the public hearings, contact the Parliamentary Committees Office by phone at 1-877-428-8337 or by e-mailing FinanceCommittee@leg.bc.ca.

For more information on the work of the committee, including a list of committee members, visit the committee’s website at www.leg.bc.ca/cmt/finance.

The deadline for submissions is Oct. 16. The committee will release its report by Nov. 15.

— Ministry of Finance


Comox Valley Record