Buffer zone requirement questioned

Members of municipal council wonder why a large buffer zone requirement is in place for agricultural buildings.

Members of municipal council wonder why a large buffer zone requirement is in place for agricultural buildings.

On Monday, council approved a development variance permit to reduce the interior side yard setback at 5214 Monro Ave. from 30 metres to six metres. The variance was granted to allow a farm storage building.

Coun. Lloyd Christopherson said the initial 30-metre regulation, set out by the Agricultural Land Commission, does not make sense for Summerland’s farms.

“I’ve always felt the farm variances were illogical because they do not take into consideration the size of the farms in Summerland,” said Coun. Lloyd Christopherson.

He said 90 per cent of farms in Summerland are less than four hectares and 60 per cent are between 0.8 and two hectares.

“It’s almost a ridiculous requirement,” added Coun. Peter Waterman.


Summerland Review