Bugle band wins second place at Stampede

Group is also recruiting for new members over the next six weeks.

  • Jul. 22, 2016 2:00 p.m.
The Cranbrook Bugle Band has returned from the Calgary Stampede with a second place finish.

The Cranbrook Bugle Band has returned from the Calgary Stampede with a second place finish.

The Cranbrook Bugle Band has just returned from the Calgary Stampede, where they won 2nd in Junior Bands for the third year in a row.  The Band that won first was the Calgary Round Up band, with 190 members on the street.

Their score was actually higher than some of the bands that competed in the Senior Band category.  The Band also took part in the Showband Competition and placed 6th.

But the prize that the girls enjoyed the most was the Southland 2016 Best Band Award.  This is an award that is provided by Southland Transportation.

In the years past, the Bugle Band has not been eligible for this award as it has always had their own bus to use in Calgary.

This year they did not, so they used Southland Transportation.  The criteria for winning this award is based on the band’s politeness, their cleanliness and the respect they show for the bus and driver.

There was several bands using Southland so it was great to win this award which besides the trophy also had a cash award of $500.00.

Besides the parade and competition, the band did pancake breakfasts, performed at the new Indian Village – in the pouring rain, went swimming, to the Zoo, Monster Mini Golf, and shopping too.

The band has already been invited for next year, which they will attend if they have a band.  At this time the group has 12 members, but there are two members that have graduated so they will be leaving this September.

This means that they have room for more members to join — so they are offering the opportunity to youths from the ages of 12 – 18 to come and see what they are all about.  This opportunity will be Wednesday nights from 6 – 8 p.m. at Steeples school for six weeks starting July 27th.  If interested, you just need to be at the school for 5:45pm in order to be fit for practice shoes.

The cost will be $10.00 and everyone that comes to these practices will have the opportunity to participate in at least one public show before school starts again.

For any questions or more information, please contact Miss Pat at 250.489.0086 in the evening or email cbkbugleband@shaw.ca.


Cranbrook Daily Townsman