A chair designed and created by Comox woodworker Brian Mayenburg. Photo submitted

Building for a cause to better the community

Comox woodworker raising funds for Comox Valley Food Bank

From benches to birdhouses, Brian Mayenburg has spent a lot of his time making driftwood furniture and is using his craft to give back to those in need.

The Comox resident has honed his woodworking skills for years and credits his dad – a former logger – for his passion for turning wood into furniture. For years, Mayenburg created handmade furniture that he used for fundraising items – selling them for various organizations and projects around the Valley.

“I’ve never really advertised them to sell – it’s mostly been word of mouth,” he explains, who works in the lab at the former St. Joseph’s Hospital. He created a bench in front of the lab, and tables and birdhouses in which he’s used as raffle items – money that was raised to purchase wheelchair-accessible vans.

He uses wood from a variety of sources and doesn’t use screws or nails in his construction.

“I’ve even created burl tables; my garage has turned into a little shop beside my house – it’s completely full of wood.”

One of Mayenburg’s favourite organizations in the Valley is the Comox Valley Food Bank. He says he knows what it is like to struggle and feels strongly about giving back.

“I’ve always wanted to give lots to them. Now that Christmas is over, it’s nice to raise more money for people who need it.”

Mayenburg is now taking his fundraising virtually – he recently created a GoFundMe Page (https://bit.ly/3v3nxUp) where he is raffling driftwood benches and chairs. Anyone who donates will have their name entered into the raffle for a chance to win a piece of furniture.

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