Building heights reduced for development in Nanoose Bay

Fairwinds' development at Schooner Cove gets some building-rules tweaking from the Regional District of Nanaimo

The Fairwinds development in Nanoose Bay is still edging forward — with some changes to building heights and lot coverage — in a proposed zoning bylaw working its way through the Regional District of Nanaimo.

After receiving some concerns from residents, the RDN asked Fairwinds to amend the application, dropping maximum building heights in the marina area from 11 to seven metres and floating buildings to five metres. They also reduced the maximum lot coverage from 10 to five per cent in the marina zone.

The board then rescinded and gave second reading again, sending it on to the phased development agreement bylaw stage before it goes to public hearing.

Because the developers want a phased agreement over 20 years instead of the more common 10 it has to go through provincial approval after the public hearing.

For more information visit the RDN website at or go to and search “Fairwinds.”

Parksville Qualicum Beach News