The Bulkley River at Eddy Park in Telkwa May 16. (Marisca Bakker photo)

The Bulkley River at Eddy Park in Telkwa May 16. (Marisca Bakker photo)

Bulkley River Flood Protection Improvement project begins

Village of Telkwa awarded the design and consulting aspect of the project

Telkwa has awarded the design and consulting aspect of the Bulkley River Flood Protection Improvement project.

The winning bid went to Onsite Engineering out of Prince George for $89,380 plus GST as well as an additional $3,000 for the development of a 3D rendering of the project for public consultation.

Village Director of Operations Lev Hartfeil explained to Telkwa council at the May 12 regular meeting that the winning bid was the second lowest bid but the bid review committee thought the least expensive proposal was not qualified.

In a report to council, Hartfeil wrote that Onsite’s proposal stood out because of their excellent plan for public consultation, they demonstrated the understanding of the importance of keeping Riverside Park and Eddy Park attractive and usable and they are currently working on the water main upgrade project on Riverside Street.

Earlier this year the Village received just under $740,000 in funding from the UBCM Structural Flood Mitigation Fund for improvements to the Riverside Street Dike and the Eddy Park Dike.

The work includes raising and improving both the dikes above the 1:200 year flood level, removing trees from the dikes, installing flood boxes on storm sewers that discharge into the river and restoring the surface works at the parks.

The survey and preliminary design work has begun and construction is tentatively scheduled for the fall unless there are delays with design or permitting. The project must be completed by January 2022.

Smithers Interior News