Two Egenolf Employees working on a project                          (Egenolf Alternative Energy Inc. Facebook page)

Two Egenolf Employees working on a project (Egenolf Alternative Energy Inc. Facebook page)

Bulkley Valley energy company receives government grant

The company based near Smithers received a grant for a thermal energy storage system.

  • Dec. 15, 2017 12:00 a.m.

Bulkley Valley energy company Egenolf Alternative Energy Inc. announced they received a research and development grant in early November to develop a compact Zeolite thermal energy storage system.

The company will collaborate with the College of New Caledonia Clean Tech Department on the project.

The project was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

Egenolf founder John Egenolf refused to comment on the story and directed any questions regarding the project and the grant to the National Research Council of Canada.

The research council did confirm Egenolf Energy received another grant of $65,000 from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program in March of this year but did not have any information regarding the grant Engeolf received in November.

In an email the research council stated the grant Egenolf received was for “stand-alone micro CHP (combined heat and power) integration and control.”

The research council refused to share any details regarding the exact nature of the project, citing the Government of Canada Disclosure policy.

Despite multiple attempts, the College of New Caledonia Clean Tech Department could not be reached for comment.

Smithers Interior News