Bumbershoot launches young performers development program

Training from March through to September will culminate in a live stage production.

  • Feb. 11, 2015 7:00 p.m.

Bumbershoot Theatre is launching a new Collaborative Arts for Stage and Theatre (CAST) program. Through the training, young Kelowna performers will develop their performance and life skills.

Open to ages 13 to 24, registration has already begun, with the program scheduled to begin in March. The training will culminate with participants using the tools they gain to put on a live production in September.

Artistic director Tracy Ross said the program aims to empower young people to explore their strengths and how they want to express them in their lives. Participants will meet from 4 to 6.30 p.m. on Fridays and from 9 a.m. to noon on Sundays, from March through September.

Ross said that phase one, during March and April, will focus on self-development and awareness as well as acting and voice technique and setting personal goals.

During phase two, in May and June, participants will be given experience in different fields including design, textiles, management, direction and marketing.

The CAST program will get down to business during the co-op phase (phase three) in the summer months culminating in a September show when members apply their new skills to rehearse and bring together a complete stage production. In this stage they will be led and mentored by a team of professionals and together the group will share the benefits of their work.

An optional phase four will give each participant the opportunity to use Bumbershoot resources to support other projects based on a work or honorarium basis. Ross said it is hoped that group members will be able to support other community organizations while exercising their new skills.

The program will allow participants to develop a portfolio of work and accomplishments which will be valuable for scholarship and other applications.

Those interested in joining the CAST program are asked to contact Bumbershoot to schedule an interview and auditions with Ross and music director Neville Bowman.

The CAST sessions will take place at Bumbershoot Theatre at #125- 1295 Cannery Lane.

Full information on this and other Bumbershoot activities can be found on their website: www bumbershoottheatre com.


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