Burns Lake Band to hold re-election for Chief

Election to be held in April

  • Mar. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.


The Ts’il Kaz Koh (Burns Lake Band) will be holding a re-election for the position of chief in April this year and an unofficial list of nominations is now out.

Last year, the band held elections for chief and council in November and elected Ray Gerow as their new chief and Chickey Lorentz and Cecelia Sam as council. However, three months after the elections, Gerow stepped down, citing health reasons.

In an email to Lakes District News, Gerow told us that he had stepped down due to health issues and with the by-election process that had already begun, the election would be held on Apr. 14.

The band will now be holding another set of elections for the position of chief. Last week, the band held nominations in which Darren Gerow, Albert Gerow, Clayton Charlie, Ryan Tibbetts and former chief Dan George were all nominated.

The nominated candidates first had to accept the nomination and pay a $250 fee to register their nomination. Once that was done, a formal list of candidates was announced. Darren Gerow however, withdrew his name leaving the remaining four candidates as confirmed.

Last year, Ray Gerow, Clayton Charlie and former Chief Dan George stood for the election. The chief election officer for the BLB elections, Loreen Suhr had confirmed that Gerow won with 49 votes, where George received 26 votes and Charlie received 21 votes. Ryan Tibbetts had stood for the council position and had secured 30 votes.

ALSO READ: Burns Lake Band elects Ray Gerow as the new Chief

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist


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