CUPE Local 4951 members and supporters endure the cold while on strike outside of the Burns Lake College of New Caledonia campus in Burns Lake on Nov. 20, 2012.

CUPE Local 4951 members and supporters endure the cold while on strike outside of the Burns Lake College of New Caledonia campus in Burns Lake on Nov. 20, 2012.

Burns Lake College of New Caledonia under strike action

Union seeks same pay increase for college as university staff have already received

  • Nov. 20, 2012 9:00 a.m.

Strikers outside of the College of New Caledonia tried to stay warm on a cold Burns Lake winter morning today.  According to CUPE Local 4951 president Lily Bachand, the union is looking for the same two per cent wage increase already given to university support staff.  The union has been without a contract since 2010 and had accepted a two year wage freeze for 2011 and 2012.

Faculty and instructors have agreed not to cross picket lines, although essential security and operations staff will keep the buildings open.  There will be no classes during the strike which is expected to end by 11 p.m. on Nov. 21.

A statement released by Randal Heidt, CNC Director of Communications and Development, described the extent of the action.  “All college courses, programs and services at all six CNC campuses, with the exception of essential services will be suspended all day and night Tuesday and Wednesday,” she said.  “This includes Continuing Education courses, gym rentals and day care services.”

Burns Lake Lakes District News