Burns Lake girls volleyball

Burns Lake girls volleyball

The Lakes District Secondary School girls volleyball team headed to Castlegar for Provincials Nov. 29 - Dec. 1. The girls finished sixteenth and lost all of their games. Coach Steven Little said, "Despite our record I thought that the girls competed hard. We were able to win three sets over the week and force three of our opponents to a third and final set. We ended up playing the team that was ranked first in the tournament and would go on to win the tournament. In that game we got we lost one of the sets 25-18. It was great to see the team compete against the best in the province and not look out of place at all. I'm very proud of what they have been able to accomplish this year." (Submitted photo)

  • Dec. 11, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Lakes District Secondary School girls volleyball team headed to Castlegar for Provincials Nov. 29 – Dec. 1. The girls finished sixteenth and lost all of their games. Coach Steven Little said, “Despite our record I thought that the girls competed hard. We were able to win three sets over the week and force three of our opponents to a third and final set. We ended up playing the team that was ranked first in the tournament and would go on to win the tournament. In that game we got we lost one of the sets 25-18. It was great to see the team compete against the best in the province and not look out of place at all. I’m very proud of what they have been able to accomplish this year.” (Submitted photo)

Burns Lake Lakes District News