A photo of Bruce Rogers captured by Burns Lake resident Wren Gilgan earlier this year showcasing how several locals opt for biking in the village. (Wren Gilgan photo/Lakes District News)

Burns Lake identified as active transportation leader

The village of Burns Lake has been identified as a leader in active transportation by the BC Alliance for Healthy Living.

  • Jun. 2, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The village of Burns Lake has been identified as a leader in active transportation by the BC Alliance for Healthy Living.

“Burns Lake is being profiled for its leadership in active transportation and has been invited to participate in an interview that explains how Burns Lake became such a great place to walk and bike,” said Sheryl Worthing, the village chief administrative officer.

This selection is part of a project called ‘Small Town Leaders in Active Transportation’ that is being led by the BC Alliance for Healthy Living in partnership with the Union of BC Municipalities.

The goal of the project was to research small communities that have been successful supporting active transportation and to share case studies with other local leaders to motivate them with relevant examples and to inform provincial policy-makers and funders.

Burns Lake will now be featured as a case study to provide other communities with inspiration and advice on how active transportation works in small towns.

“This is an opportunity to show case how far we have come over the past two years to make Burns Lake a great place work and live. It is also a good opportunity to let provincial policy-makers aware of the financial challenges small northern communities face,” said Worthing.

The village council and staff participated in an interview on May 21. Other community champions were interviewed last week. Based on these interviews, the survey results, any photos or videos that the village provides BC Alliance for Healthy Living, would all form the basis for the case study.

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist


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