Burns Lake Minor Hockey 2020 season will look different

The minor hockey association looking to fill executive positions

  • Sep. 2, 2020 12:00 a.m.
Burns Lake Minor Hockey Association president Steven Bayes, released a video on the association’s Facebook page, outlining what kids and parents should be expecting in the upcoming season. (Lakes District News file photo)

Burns Lake Minor Hockey Association president Steven Bayes, released a video on the association’s Facebook page, outlining what kids and parents should be expecting in the upcoming season. (Lakes District News file photo)

The Burns Lake Minor Hockey Association (BLMHA) is getting ready to prepare for the upcoming hockey season with a number of different measures in place to ensure a safe return to sports.

Last week, the BLMHA president Steven Bayes, released a video on the association’s Facebook page, outlining what kids and parents should be expecting in the upcoming season.

“We are currently in phase 2 of our Return to Hockey program; what that means is it will be limited ice time for players with mandatory two metres apart distance which will be difficult at times, We will also require players to get dressed at home and show up completely dressed; I know it will be frustrating for first little bit so please be patient,” said Bayes in the video. The phase 2 will also have players coming to the arena dressed-up from their homes.

On Aug, 24 however, BC Hockey released the viaSport guidelines Return to Sport’s phase 3 plans. According to the Return to Sport guidelines for B.C., this phase calls for progressively loosening the restrictions around contact with a low to medium contact intensity.

According the Bayes, some of the things that would be implemented as part of phase 3 whenever BLMHA decides it is safe to enter that phase are that the showers will be open, the dressing rooms will be open with 10 players per room, two dressing rooms per team. There will be health check-ups done every month. There will be hand-sanitizer stations throughout the building.

“We will be purchasing thermometers to ensure the players and parents are within the guidelines of viaSport and Health Canada. Unfortunately we will be crunched for time as we will have to sign in everybody that enters the arena,” he added.

Bayes also spoke about how wearing masks was going to be made mandatory for all the coaches and volunteers however, it won’t be mandatory for the spectators “but we will be advising it.”

Bayes also urged parents to bring pre-filled water bottles for their kids as a precaution.

“Our executive team is working extremely hard so that our kids get back on to the ice where they love — love to play and learn and have fun,” he said, adding that the BLMHA was currently looking to fill seats on their executive team.

He mentioned that the “executive team was extremely short-handed right now”, with only seven of the 50 available seats filled up. The association is looking to fill a variety of positions including, a secretary to sit on the executive officers’ team, a coach coordinator, a risk manager, an ice coordinator, and a fundraising committee.

“We need parents to step up and volunteer and fill these roles please. Your help is desperately needed to fill these seats and to ensure that we have a successful season,” he urged in the video.

More information on whether Burns Lake Minor Hockey (BLMH) would be moving to phase 3 or not, is expected to come out in the upcoming days.

The ice will be going in to the arena on Sept. 14 and BLMH will start practicing that same week.

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist


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