Burns Lake student authors

Local elementary school kids to be published soon.

  • Jun. 13, 2013 5:00 a.m.
Blair Bysouth

Blair Bysouth

Thousands of students from across Canada where entered in the 2013 Young Writer’s of Canada contest. Nine students from William Konkin Elementary (WKE) School were selected to be showcased in the two-set anthology: Cloud Castles, an anthology of stories from students aged seven to 11, and A World Away, an anthology of stories from students aged 12 to 18.

The school has order copies of the anthologies for the library as well as a copy for each student whose writings made it into the collection.

The books will come out in the fall.

Darren Joseph, Grade 7:

“I write when I’m bored,” said Joseph. “I wrote about people having super-powers who go to a super-school.”

Joseph said that he was excited to be included in the anthology. As for his future plans after this recent success, he said, “I’ll probably be a writer.”

Micah Watson, Grade 5

What did you write about?

“I wrote about the adventures of Bob and Larry in a haunted hotel in Ottawa.”

Did you enjoy the process?

“I liked writing it, and it felt really good to win the contest.”

“I’m looking forward to the book”

Brianna Bjorgen, Grade 5:

Bjorgen wrote about a magical Christmas party.

“It was the day I got my dog, Bjorgen said.

“I was excited to win the contest.”

“I’ll start writing a bit more.”

Clorese George, Grade 5:

“I wrote about fairy creatures trapped by an evil witch in a dark dungeon”

Writing is a regular part of George’s life. “I like to write about animals and put them into different situations.”

How did you feel when you found out your story would be in the collection?

“I felt happy.”

Blair Bysouth, Grade 5:

“Quest for Survival” is the story of dragon clan that runs out of food and travels to earth for sustenance.

“I don’t write that often,” Bysouth said. “But I am excited to be part of the book. It makes me want to write more.”

Christian Robinsons, Grade 5:

“I wrote about a team called TechNorth that saves the world from a nuclear device on the moon.”

Robinson writes very often.

How did you feel about being included in the competition?

“I felt happy.”

Noah Bjarnason, Grade 4:

Noah’s story, “The Christmas Surprise” is a documentary about a trip to Disneyland.

“It was the only story I could think of at the time,” he said of his decision to write about the trip.

“I try to write as much as possible, but my friends keep me busy.”

Where you surprised to find your story selected for the anthology?

“I was very excited and surprised. I rushed through the last bit, so I didn’t think I would make it.”

Bradley Golar, Grade 4:

“I wrote a story called the Power of Friendship.”

“Dwarf archers team up against an evil sorcerer. Friend stand back to back defeating evil.”

How did you come up with that idea?

“I just thought about how friends should be.”

How did you feel when you were selected?

“I was shocked. When I was writing the story, I said to myself, ‘I hope I get in.”

Nichol Reed, Grade 7:

In ‘Art in Smurfville’, Reed combined the concept of smurfs with the idea of an evil smurf who tries to destroy all artwork.

“I randomly said the word ‘art’ and wrote about it,” said Reed. “I enjoyed the process. Writing is one of my favorite subjects.”

“Being included in the collection encourages me to write more,” she added.

Of her reaction to being chosen, Reed said, “It’s hard to explain. I was bouncing off the walls.”


Burns Lake Lakes District News